New yandex wordstat how to use it today

If you have extensive experience working with (you know what this service is and you work with it regularly), you can immediately go to the second part of the article: “How to quickly find ideas for creating new pages using Wordstat” and subsequent sections. The first part is for those who either have not worked with query statistics at all, or have worked little. Briefly and in simple words.

Data from Yandex.Vorstat and Google Keyword Planner should be used both when creating advertising and when comprehensively promoting a website. Only very rich people can pay for the services of an agency or individual specialists, but at the same time have no idea what user queries your advertising is shown for or the website is promoted. For whom the process is more important than the result.

A Telegram database usually contains information about Telegram users, such as their phone numbers, usernames, or group memberships. This data telegram database is sometimes used for marketing, contacting people, or analyzing trends. But, gathering and using  this data without clear permission can break privacy rules like GDPR and Telegram’s own rules, which don’t allow sending unwanted messages or collecting data without consent.

telegram database

I don’t know a single person who would simply transfer money to a construction company when renovating an apartment or a house and say: “Well, you are professionals, just do a good renovation for me, I don’t understand this.” When it comes to Internet marketing, this is a normal situation. The business somehow pays money, the specialists somehow promote the site. If the customer has no idea what and why the result is possible – everything works more or less like this. If you know what your customers are looking for, you understand that you can always add new content to the site. This applies to both SEO and contextual advertising. If statistics show hundreds and thousands of target query options, and your performers work with 20 queries, then you are losing money.

“Wordstat” is not a magic wand, it is a tool. If the contractor does not understand the niche, does not know the basic terms (and there are dozens of them even in the most everyday niches), then the customer loses traffic and money. The most everyday niche that exists in any city is PVC windows. There are hundreds of terms that define the niche. Surely, you have double-glazed windows at home. Do you know what an impost, K-glass, casing box, PSUL, triplex, transom, mullion, glazing bar are?

To be clear, Wordstat will not give me any of these queries if I search for basic queries like “double-glazed window”, “PVC window”, “PVC profile”. At the same time, for a business, a client who knows these terms is most likely not a one-time customer, but a contractor or foreman with whom you can cooperate long-term.

Everything is simple here, without data from the customer, it is impossible to collect target queries normally. If the entire business is tied to names (auto parts, for example), then the site owner will have to work very closely with the performers. Otherwise, there is a high risk. Promote low-margin products or services.Wasting your advertising budget because the ad or page does not match the user’s interests Here is an illustration of the second example – VK Cloud is advertised for a query labeled acrylic paint: Further in the article there will be examples of how a seemingly rich niche for various requests turns into a pumpkin. To check your subject matter, you will need to master the basics of working with Wordstat.

The left column of Wordstat shows data on user queries for the last month. The right column shows queries similar to your query. The right column is great for advanced collection of user queries. The queries are “nested” into each other. From the linkedIn ads: how to use them and why picture above, the query “lime-lime brick” is searched for by 63,436 people per month. 9,627 of them search for “lime-lime brick price”. These 9,627 people are also taken into account for the query “lime-lime brick”. In fact, the figure for the main query (of two words) consists of the sum of the figures for three-word, four-word, etc. queries. If the query is popular, there will be pagination navigation at the bottom of the page.

For any local business, it is critically important. What is being searched for in the city or region, and not in Russia as a whole or in the world. What is ao lists the point that 45,000 people. A month are searching for aerated concrete in Moscow, if 2,000 people are searching for it in Chelyabinsk? For online stores, it’s the other way around. If the customer pays, you can sell your products throughout the country, excluding unprofitable (for whatever reason) regions. For various non-physical goods (software, online courses, etc.), it also makes sense to look at data for the entire country.

Unfortunately, Wordstat works with statistics of queries for past periods and does not show data “at the moment”. For example, all the most traffic queries about school supplies will receive a digital expression in mid-September . When even the most leisurely parents will buy everything they need. To view data for 2 years in the form of a graph. You need to select the “query history” option in the search bar.

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