How people force themselves to go to work

A study by the service showed that 77% of Russians are dissatisfied with their jobs. Most often, they are dissatisfied with the low salary level (77%) and the lack of opportunities for career growth (42%). But even professionals who generally like their work can experience emotional burnout. Every second working respondent (50%) complains of constant stress, almost 62% complain of emotional isolation, and 47% complain of exhaustion. And it is unlikely that there is even one person who always, on any given day, wants to go to work.

Trust the situation

Psychologists believe that suppressing emotions is not the best solution. Throwing your laptop against the wall and writing an angry letter to the customer? That’s also fraught with consequences (at least repair costs). There is another way out.

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Understand that your work is not in vain

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“A kind word is pleasant even to a cat,” says the proverb. When the mood is at the floor, and you want to give up everything, understanding the value of your work is doubly important.I have been in the profession for over ten years, and I rarely have a negative attitude before work. On rare days when I don’t feel like working, I remember why I do all this. I wanted to become a veterinarian since childhood. And my dream came true. I am happy to see my patients, I feel a great responsibility for their lives and health. And I can’t help but help them.

Treat yourself

Everyone loves gifts. Why not treat yourself after another rush job or a reprimand from the boss? I use coaching techniques. For example, the “I want-I must” exercise. It’s about taking an authorial position and treating the need to go to work as your own choice.

In the sentence “I have to go to work…” I replace the word “have to” with “want” or “choose”. But not just like that. I need to explain to the brain what a strange choice this is – after all, in fact, I don’t want to. So I say: “I choose to go to work because it will bring me a certain amount of money, and with this money I…” and here you can promise yourself (and give!) a gift. You can reward yourself for each day of work: with a chocolate bar, an episode of your favorite TV series, a glass of champagne, etc. Then you will know that it is worth working for a few hours, and in the evening something pleasant awaits you.

Switch to new

Sometimes, to gain strength and desire to work, it is worth slowly drinking a cup of coffee or doing a physical warm-up. My work is entirely intellectual, and I love it. However, sometimes fatigue sets in already by 2:00 PM, I can’t concentrate the digital corridors of his class echo with silence on a specific task on a project, my productivity is zero, my desire to work is zero. To give my brain a rest, I let my body work. I turn off the computer and go to the sports ground to work out. I don’t care what the temperature is outside, +30 or -30. The main thing is that it doesn’t rain. It’s especially invigorating when the temperature is below zero. I work out for 40-60 minutes, reboot, and am ready to work.

Combine life hacks

Sometimes you treat yourself to something nice, but you still don’t want to go to work. Then you should approach the problem in a ao lists comprehensive manner. Because of the pandemic, work came to my home. As a result, I began to work more than the norm, which led to burnout. I brought myself to the point where I did not want to open my eyes in the morning, because then I would have to work.

I treated myself using a combination of different methods. First of all, I looked at my happy children and wife and understood that I could afford to buy them something with the money I earned. I tried to make changes to my work duties, take on other types of tasks, communicate with my manager. I walked before and after work, and signed up for a fitness center with my wife.

If it’s necessary, it’s necessary.

Imagine: a fire truck driver overslept and didn’t show up for his shift on time, but a call came in. Or a teacher decided to be half an hour late for class. For representatives of some professions, a sense of duty is the main incentive. I am a lawyer. If I do not go to work, there may be very bad consequences for my client, which are difficult to fix later. For example, if I have a court hearing scheduled, I can only miss it for a good reason, which I must inform the judge about in advance. And if the desire not to go arose immediately before the hearing, it is almost impossible to get through to the judge. Not showing up to court is almost tantamount to losing. The risk of possible negative consequences forces me to conscientiously fulfill my duties.

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