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Calling into question the unity

Which are becoming heate. The countries where the “anger” of our sisters and brothers is heard are all very acutely aware of a long-standing community issue. They all historically experience lines of fracture. The  opposition. The  and tensions between the groups that constitute them institutionally. The  linguistically  and culturally. The George Floyd tragey has exacerbate these tensions in them. The  which for some (Canada. The  Belgium) are capable of calling into question the unity of the countries concerne.


 We are definitely moving from

Crisis to crisis. The  with their intensity constantly cell phone database increasing. What is remarkable is perhaps their global. The  planetary nature. The  from climate change to the Metoo movement. The  and currently BLM. Each time. The  or almost. The  the incarnation is remarkable. Greta Calling into question the unity Thunberg. The  the various female victims with Adel Haenel. The  and George Floyd. The image also plays a crucial role. The  with the logo that goes well with social networks. The ” Notes Hervé Brusini. The  journalist. The  former eitor-in-chief of the 8 p.


News on France

Télévisions and winner of the Albert Londres prize. “On create compelling, branded thumbnails the substance. The demands of these rebellious journalists may seem alarming at first glance. They may seem to sweep aside our duties. The  not of objectivity but of a pluralist vision of information. For example. The  a presentation that takes into account the diversity of points of view. This requirement for diversity is not yet satisfactory in our eitorial offices.


 Both in the recruits

The  visible or not. The  and in the content where a b2c fax mainstream of thought leaves aside many of our fellow citizens who have even found a name over the years. The  we call them the invisible. The ” Brusini believes. “The famous problem of representation in democracy is now affecting the meia and information to the extreme. Our progress is too slow. In fact. The  the issue is complex.

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