Avito promises to find you a job today seriously we checked

Unemployment in Russia has dropped to a new historical minimum! 3.7% by the end of 2022! That is, no one (almost) needs work – everyone is busy. Moreover, Rosstat came to such values, taking into account people aged 15 and older. In theory, employers today, judging by statistics, should run after us and entice us with higher salaries and comfortable working conditions, catching anyone at the checkpoints of factories and offices, in public transport and even in parks during rest. In theory!

Yes, I’ll start tomorrow!

Avito Jobs has launched express recruitment in test mode. If you have a resume on the service, you can (but don’t rush until you finish reading) put a tick in this column, which will be for four days. Are you interested in what it will give? We tested the new features and came to unexpected conclusions. By checking the box “I can leave tomorrow”, you inform potential employers that you are absolutely free and open to a new career in their company. That is, tomorrow you will start solving work issues in a new place, and the employer will not have to wait for you for two weeks, which you will spend working in the previous company. All resumes with this mark appear in the employers’ search after they activate the corresponding filter.

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60 thousand job seekers have already used the opportunity to report their availability – they checked the box “I can start tomorrow”. But almost half of them are job seekers from the category “No experience, students”. That is, excuse me, unskilled labor. But the other 30 thousand available are experienced workers with experience, not currently doing anything at all.


phone number list

It’s strange, but under your resume you will see not vacancies that urgently need workers (for some reason, they didn’t make a similar “Urgently needed” button for employers), and not long-standing vacancies that they can’t fill, not advertisements for “passable” places with high staff turnover, like Dixie, Magnit, and so on, and not even materials on the topic of “How to quickly find your dream job.” There you will see “competitors” – resumes of people applying for the same job. Why? So I could look at them and improve my resume? Lowered the requirements? Horrified by the competition and resigned myself to it? I won’t speculate (yet), but it looks like pressure.

Every man gives a little

After creating a resume, in the “My Ads” section (opposite each resume), Avito offers the opportunity to increase the number of views. I would not even call the prices moderate: doubling the number of views per day costs 59 rubles (plus mandatory color la plataforma de coaching online para wordpress: presentamos highlighting for 89 rubles), and 20 times – 398 rubles (plus the same 89 rubles for color). Buying views for a week “more than 2 times” will cost 199 rubles, and 20 times – 1398 rubles.

For a person who is ready to “go out tomorrow”, even 59 rubles is a lot of money, since, most likely, he spent his last ruble yesterday or hasn’t seen it for several days-weeks-months. Although, hopelessness can push people to do anything! But wait… If I multiply 0 views by 2 or 20, I get… 0.

Where did the “jackdaw” come from

Why did Avito Jobs introduce the “I can start tomorrow” column in the resume? I have two versions. Give a news item so that the media writes about a new opportunity to get a job tomorrow (we wrote about it). As a result, more job seekers may come to the site, and then employers. They will start (or not) a relationship. Why “no”? Because only job seekers report their hopeless situation, and even then, they highlight the ad in color. The employer does not have a “Urgently required” checkbox, nor does he have the opportunity to publish a vacancy for free.

Of course, such a service will not be promoted on the first day, and perhaps will not be launched at all, but don’t you think that agreeing to work without looking back, especially one-sidedly, is somewhat similar to admitting your powerlessness and ao lists despair, and therefore agreeing to be enrolled in the “sweaty legion”? Therefore, employers should be appropriate – those with constant staff turnover, indifference to the problems of employees and their working conditions, who are undemanding about the level of qualifications of personnel (what difference does it make who to grind) and who are ready to pay for the quick hiring of anyone, but on HeadHunter this is too expensive.

Let’s exhale

It seems that there are no such employers (at least in large numbers) on Avito Jobs today. No one took me on for the grind. The HR specialists who looked through my resume decided that I was unlikely to suit them (this one had already given up hope! – worthless), and continued searching for a worthy candidate. What if version 3! is actually a method to weed out the worthless in advance?

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