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La plataforma de coaching online para WordPress: Presentamos

Online coaching can feel a bit like juggling chainsaws while walking a tightrope.

Sounds a bit over the top? Maybe. But there’s no way to sugarcoat the sea of ​​expensive y complicado technology, platforms and tools neee to deliver a coherent program.

Como entrenador en línea, los retos son reales

There is a lot at stake in métodos de pago incoherentes , a sistema fragmentado de herramientas individuales each with their own version of “efficiency.”

You nee to make sure you are maintaining a strong online presence to find new clientes Curso Planning .

And you have to keep track of milestones and perform regular client management and communication tasks. Not to mention marketing your services.

Juggling chainsaws doesn’t seem so far-fetche anymore, does it?

Add to that the technical difficulties, integration issues, malfunctioning software, and gasto escandaloso de todo, y de repente you’re the one who nees a pep talk!

¿Y si pudieras tener todas las herramientas que necesita en un solo lugar ? Without the technical headaches? Without the constant worry of everything falling apart? Y ¿sin el coste escandaloso?

Sounds too good to be true? Not anymore

Unraveling the complex challenges facing coaches
Online trainer on computer overwhelme by all the components involve in creating a business
I’ve spoken to a lot of online coaches over the past year . And I found that most of them were facing very similar problems, relate to two main goals.

Esos dos objetivos compartidos eran:

Program Knowlege : The Nee to Get New Customers
Program Execution : La necesidad de execute a good program to keep customers
I also learne that the means to achieve these goals were often completamente desconectado.

We’re talking about third-party platform websites. The site is peppere with plugins, each with its own widget or two (or three, or four).

En consecuencia, el customer management process – from lead generation to admission and program completion – is a much more complex process.

Time waste on manual labor

Dinero malgastado en múltiples plataformas
Even coaches with simpler setups were force to deal with the headache of moving between their websites (most often built with WordPress) and their third-party coaching platforms.

Navigating the maze of technological overload
So it’s no wonder that sometimes you feel like a part-time techie, trying to figure out all the tools and software and how they work.

Technology overload was at the heart of the challenges face by the online coaches I spoke to.

The person facing the labyrinth of technology
So let’s break down that maze, and what’s making you waste your time and worry.

By breaking down segment information, ways of behaving fragment your CRM data set by exchange year. Past purchasers and past buy telemarketing data dealers are two fragments that regularly appear in a specialist’s data set. Division: Separation your data set into sections in view of different rules (socioeconomics, conduct, and so on) 4.Integration: Coordinate yourTop reply: With regards to information.

buy telemarketing data

Procesamiento de pagos:

Keeping track of your customers’ payments can be like tiptoeing through a minefield, not knowing when a change might disrupt your system. When every customer pays with a different method, keeping records can be exhausting (and easy to mess up!).
Sistemas divergentes: Have you Inbound sales: what It Is and why it’s important ever felt like you have to be in 20 places at once, juggling multiple apps and platforms? That’s because each software tool you incorporate into your digital coaching business works independently, leaving you stuck in the middle, trying to coordinate them all at once.
Technical glitches: Even the best technology in the world isn’t bulletproof. Downtime, bugs, or glitches are guarantee. When you rely on multiple platforms, the chances of something failing are even greater.
Client management: This was one phone list forum of the most daunting tasks according to the trainers I spoke to. Keeping students and clients on track can be a time-consuming, manual process.
And this is just scratching the surface of the challenges facing online coaches.

Fortunately, all that has change with the launch of CoachKit™ de MemberPress .

I’ll show you how this solución integral can take your online coaching business to the next level quickly, easily, and without any programming.

Plus, it’s designe to work seamlessly with your WordPress website right out of the box.

Introducing CoachKit™ by MemberPress:

The Sólo Plugin todo en uno para WordPress Coaching
CoachKit: A Picture of Simplicity and Power
Okay, Coaches, it’s time to let you in on a not-so-secret secret. Drum roll please… MemberPress CoachKit™ .

We have designe this completely new and pioneering platform to address all the technological challenges facing coaches, all in un beautifully unique lugar.

En an add-on to the MemberPress CoachKit™ plugin, it puts all the essential tools right in your digital tool belt.

Todo en un lugar, un sistema, un fire-breathing engine, packe with features and ready to roar on WordPress.

No more struggling with disconnecte systems

And no more frustrations cause by mixing up deadlines and mismatche tasks.

With CoachKit™, you’ll get all the building blocks you nee to crear un programa superior de coaching en línea that will excee your (and your clients’) expectations.

More than just a coaching plugin for WordPress

CoachKit Recurring Revenue Streams
You’ve heard of the Swiss Army Knife, right?

Known for having everything you could ever nee right in your front pocket, CoachKit™ is the digital equivalent for coaches.

It is an all-in-one platform that combines.


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