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5. Copy the files from the installation USB drive to the disk

Another useful method is to copy the Windows installation files from the USB to the drive and then run the installer from there. We will use the command line to copy the contents, creating a new volume using the available free space on the drive. Here’s how:

Step 1: Press Shift+F10 keys to open Command Prompt.

Step 2: Type the following command and press Enter to run the tool.

Copying files from USB to disk

Step 3: Type the following command and press Enter to view all disks:

list disk
Copying files from USB to disk 2 5. Copy the files

Step 4: We ne to create an 8GB volume singapore phone number list to copy the Windows installation files to. Run the following command to select the disk:

select disk 0
Copying files from USB to disk 3

Step 5: Run the following commands in sequence to create a new volume and format it as NTFS:

create partition primary size=8000
format fs=ntfs quick

Copying files from USB to disk 4

Step 6: Run the following command to assign a drive letter to the volume:

Copying files from USB to disk 6

Step 7: Check if the volume exists using ai in digital marketing – the ultimate guide the following command:

list volume

Copying files from USB to disk 7

Step 8. Write down the drive letter of the newly creat 8GB disk volume and the USB drive from which you will copy the files. Type exit and press Enter to close the diskpart utility.

copy files 2

Step 9: The command to switch to the united states business directory USB drive is “cd USB Volume Label:”. So our command looks like 5. Copy the files this:

cd c:
copy files2

Step 10: Copy the files from the USB drive to the newly creat volume using this command:

copy files 3

Step 11: Wait for the file to copy. Close the command prompt window and exit Windows Setup.

Wait for your computer to reboot and boot to the Windows Installer page. Then repeat the following steps.

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