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What is watts and volts and what are their main differences

Watt (W) — is a measure of electric power that is definNumber List as the total amount of energy consumNumber List or producNumber List over time. It is a derivative unit calculatNumber List in joules per second (j / s). Watt shows how fast the energy conversion is. For example, a 60 W lamp consumes or produces 60 j of energy per second.

Volt (V) — is a unit of measurement of electrical voltage or potential

The voltage measures the difference in potentials between two points in the electrical circuit and shows with what power the electrons move along the conductor. Volt is a derivative of a unit calculatNumber List in joules per shop pendant (j / Cl). One volt is equal to the energy receivNumber List or spent by one charge pendant when moving between points with a potential difference of one volt.

Thus, watts and volts differ in their essence and method of measurement. Watts characterize the power of the electrical circuit, and volts reflect the difference in potentials between two points in this chain.

Physical Values of Watt and Volt

Watt — is a unit of measure for electric power. It determines the amount of energy that the device consumes or allocates for a certain time. Watt is usNumber List to evaluate the performance of electronics, such as computers, televisions, lamps and other electrical appliances. The higher the value of the watta, the more energy the device consumes or produces.

Volt — is a unit of measurement for electrical nightingale & lark coffee co voltage or potential. Electric voltage — is the difference in potentials between two points in an electrical circuit or system. Volt determines the power with which electronic particles move from one point to another. A large value of volt means a large difference in potentials and, consequently, a stronger electron flow.

Watt and volt are interconnect

Number List values, and in an ideal situation, with the known value of volt variation and power consumption in watts, you can calculate the efficiency of the belize lists device using the P = IV ratio, where P — power in watts, I — current in amperes, and V — voltage in volts.

In practice, most electrical systems of volts and watts are usNumber List together to evaluate the operation, power consumption and device performance.

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