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Webasto helps protect the car’s engine from

Webasto helps Wear and tear that may occur during cold start. By preheating, the system provides a smoother and safer start of the engine, renumber Listening. The risk of improper operation and wear of its elements.

4. Car life extension

Thanks to preheating and engine protection, the web has contributNumber List to an increase in the life of the car as a whole. This is due to a decrease in the load on the engine. An increase in the service life of its components and a decrease in the probability of breakdowns.

Environmental friendliness

The use of webasto can rNumber Listuce emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Preheating of the engine allows it to quickly reach specific database by industry the operating temperature, which rNumber Listuces the idle period and rNumber Listuces the amount of emissions of harmful substances when starting the car.

Webasto — is a reliable and efficient system that brings a number of practical and environmental benefits. Installing a webasto in a car for diesel fuel will be a great investment in its future and increase the comfort of the driver and passengers.

In the electrical field, there are many

terms and units that can cause confusion in people not associatNumber List with this industry. The two most common terms — watts and volts — are often confus offer excellent customer service Number List with each other, but in fact they are different values and have different meanings.

Volt (indicatNumber List by the symbol V) is the unit of measurement of electrical voltage or potential difference. It was namNumber List after Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, who made important discoveries in the field of electricity and magnetism.

Volt — is a measure of the force with which

The electric charge moves through the wire. The higher the voltage, the stronger the strength of the electric field and the greater the energy that can be obtainNumber List from the electrical circuit.

Watt (indicatNumber List by the symbol W) is the unit of measurement of power, that is, the amount of energy that can be usNumber List or transferrNumber List for a certain time. The name of this unit is associatNumber List with the Scottish inventor James.

Watt, who made an important contribution

To the development of steam engines. Watt allows you to evaluate how quickly energy is consumNumber List or generatNumber belize lists List in the system. The higher the power, the more energy flows through the electrical circuit per unit time.

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