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User research and recruitment at an AI startup

The basis for designing a user-friendly, human-centered system is in-depth knowledge of the usage context, i.e. the users, their tasks or work processes, resources and environment. However, accessing this knowledge is not always easy. Some methods for this and experience with the problem were collected in the AI ​​pilot project with synthavo.


The AI ​​startup synthavo User research and recruitment

Developing a system that is designed to make the daily work of employees in the areas of maintenance, repair and building services easier.  User research and recruitment at an AI startup . The system is designed to identify worn or damaged components of machines and tools using photos and simplify the reordering process by embedding them on suppliers’ websites. How exactly these core functions fit into the users’ workflows and what this means for the design of the system should be investigated as part of an AI pilot project.

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User research and recruitment at an AI startup . The pilot project began in the summer of 2022 with a few workshops to introduce different methods. A scenario-based  approach (according to Rosson & Carroll, 2003) was planned. Scenarios are descriptions in story form that present problems or solutions clearly and concretely using realistic situations. Fictional characters, often based on personae, are also incorporated as actors.

The first type of scenarios are the so-called problem scenarios. These describe the initial situation and the current problems at work, in this case in the area of ​​maintenance, repairs and building services. The first drafts of the problem scenarios were created in a joint workshop with synthavo and were then further developed by the company.

The following short excerpt User research and recruitment

Synthavo  problem scenario tells how the User research and recruitment at an AI startup  fictitious, exemplary maintenance engineer Heinz investigates a malfunction that was previously brought to his attention by the machine operator Bernd:

“Heinz arrives at the machine hall and has Bernd describe and show him the situation in more detail. Based on the description of the problem, Heinz already has a rough idea that it could be due to a worn milling head. This suspicion is confirmed upon closer inspection. Now Heinz has to find out exactly what type of milling head it is.”


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Such a problem scenario (longer and more detailed in the original version) helps to document problems clearly from the user’s perspective and to consider them in the overall context. The next step is to then design so-called activity scenarios. They also describe possible future solutions to these problems in the form of stories. This has the advantage over immediate  . Elaboration that texts can be created with little effort and can be changed again if necessary. This in turn enables many different solutions to be tried out. Compared and adapted quickly – instead of fixating early on a solution that has already been further developed but may not be suitable.

In the activity scenario, a detailed description of the information design and interaction design of a system is deliberately omitted in order to focus on the functions of a system and their use, as in the following excerpt from synthavo’s activity scenario. The fictitious company Hasselkop is mentioned, which acts as an exemplary supplier and has already integrated the synthavo system into its shop.

“Heinz downloads the Hasselkop

App onto his smartphone and scans the tool using the visual component search. User research and recruitment at an AI startup  

However, it is important for scenario-based payroll process in india: basics, process, compliance  design that the problem scenario actually corresponds to reality and that the activity scenario developed from it, with its vision of the future use of a system, is also accepted and desired by the real users. It is therefore necessary to compare the designed scenarios with reality.

For this purpose, a user research study was planned in the pilot project with synthavo. Several focus groups were to be conducted in this study. Focus groups are moderated group discussions that can be used for various purposes – in this case, the aim was to examine the problem and activity scenarios. For this purpose, a guide was created together and the recruitment of participants started in September 2022. The target group was employees from the areas of maintenance and facility management.

However finding participants turned

Out to be a big problem – despite incentives and  a complete list of unit phone numbers advertising via the Mittelstand 4.0 Usability Competence Center, not enough participants were found for the study and the implementation was postponed. The conclusion: Despite detailed planning and preparation, a user research study can fail simply because of a lack of access to the target group. The difficulty of recruiting users should not be underestimated. Existing contacts with the target group are therefore very valuable, whether through close cooperation with (potential) customer companies or networking activities. Otherwise, it is better to plan a little more time for recruitment.

In this case, however, synthavo

has not given up, but rather has even increased its efforts for good design and user research by hiring a new employee in spring 2023. And despite the unsuccessful recruitment in the fall, the startup is now familiar with scenario-based design as a methodology and the planning of user research studies.

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