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Use the target keyword at the beginning

Placing your primary keyword at the beginning of the title tag gives users and search engines instant clarity about the content of your page.

It can also give you a slight competitive advantage over your competitors’ title links in the SERPs.

Because if the results include title tags that don’t include the keyword at the beginning, your page may appear more relevant to users Use the target keyword at the beginning.

Avoid keyword stuffing

Keyword stuffing is an outdated SEO tactic that overloads content with keywords in an attempt to manipulate rankings.

A common example is when the same telegram data primary or secondary keyword phrases are repeated unnaturally.

Consider a title tag like “New shoes, cheap shoes, best new shoes, cheap new shoes.”

This is a classic example of keyword stuffing.

The title is packed with variations of the primary keyword “new shoes” and the secondary keyword “cheap shoes.”

Keyword stuffing—whether in the body text or a title tag—violates Google’s spam policies .

It makes it difficult for both search engines and users to understand what your page is about. And it can lead to penalties from search engines.

What to do when duplicate title tags are necessary

You will come across situations where how to identify key benefits for the client using the same title tag makes sense.

Here are some of the most common cases:

Multiregional centres

Multi-regional sites are likely to have the same (or very similar) title tag for these URLs:

  • Main URL: vitaminstore.com/vegan
  • Regional URL (UK): uk.vitaminstore.com/vegan

In this case, implementing hreflang attributes can be an effective solution.

An hreflang tag is an element (usually included in your HTML) that tells search engines which page should be shown to visitors based on their language (indicated by the first two letters following hreflang=”) and location (indicated by the second two letters following hreflang=”).

You must use the hreflang attribute on all versions of the page. And it must always reference all alternate versions.

Below is the example code that you would apply to each of the pages we mentioned above Use the target keyword at the beginning:

For further reading: International SEO: Best practices for global success on the Internet

Multi-page product sections

Sites that have multi-page product sections may have the same title tags (and similar content) for these URLs:

  • Page 1 (main page): vitaminstore.com/vegan
  • Page 2: vitaminstore.com/vegan/?page=2
  • Page 3: vitaminstore.com/vegan/?page=3

Correct implementation of canonical tags (HTML snippets that reflect the main version of a page) will inform search engines which version of the URL they should prioritize.

On each page (including the main page), you would add a canonical tag that points to the main category page.

In the example above, each page would include this code in its HTML:

Addressing duplicate title tags to improve SEO

Finding and fixing duplicate title tags can be a powerful way to improve your SEO.

These small pieces of text play a vital role singapore number in how search engines treat your content. And how potential visitors judge the relevance of your pages.

But domains come in all shapes and sizes. And manually finding duplicate title tags on larger sites is a time-consuming process and not always accurate Use the target keyword at the beginning.

Fortunately, you can use the Site Audit tool to quickly detect and fix this problem. Try it for free today.

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