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The budget necessary for the development of your idea

Features and choice of operating system. You must then define what the specific features of your App will be.  Generally, storyboards The budget are created in this phase, that is, visual representations email list of the user interface of the future App. You also need to decide whether the App will support one or more devices and one or more operating systems. Will the App be available only for iOS, exclusively for Android or also for Windows? Deciding this is crucial and will determine the time. Complexity and costs of the subsequent phases.

Design and Development

After having clarified the basic chatbot for schools, colleges, courses and more: learn how to use it requirements of your future corporate. App and imagined in detail how it will have to work once in the hands of your users. We move on to the more technical phase. In which you have to put the codes and actual programming into play. The feasibility of what has been conceived is verified and then we The budget proceed with the concrete development of the application’s front-end and back-end systems. What does this mean? In short, the front-end systems are the elements visible and accessible to the end user and dealing with them means defining the App’s graphical interface. The spaces of the various graphic elements and all the UI and UX (user interface and user experience) processes.

The back-end systems instead

Include all the server-side development fresh list mechanisms. Data storage and everything that remains “behind the scenes” but is essential for The budget App to function. Phase 4: Testing The testing phase is the final one in the development of an App. It is about testing your new application. In order to find and correct any errors in the code in time before the official launch to the public. An alpha test is performed firs.


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