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People are looking for ways to strengthen their immune

In this sense, it may be interesting to provide information about the situation of local markets, protection programs, as well as tips and relocation strategies, for example.Searches related to “unemployment protection” between January and March of Searches related to “unemployment protection” between January and March of Entrepreneurship and business Times of crisis inspire many people to look for alternatives. reevaluate the potential of their careers and their business models in the present and post-coronavirus future. This type of environment inspires social entrepreneurship and by necessity.

we observed a certain increase

Consequently, we observed a certain teacher data increase in searches for topics such as ideas for entrepreneurship, ways to make money, innovative solutions, business opportunities, etc.Volume of searches for keywords related to “making money”Volume of searches for keywords related to “making money”It is worth highlighting the evolution of searches for the Individual Microentrepreneur category, the federal government’s main formalization program. Searches for “how to be mei” between January and March of Searches for “how to be MEI” between January and March of Recipes and food tipsBlogs, channels and recipe apps are a success and their tutorials have been helping lay cooks for years.

Now however this type of

Now, however, this type of content is gaining always check if you’re indexed even greater importance. People are being forced to prepare their meals at home, as most cafeterias, restaurants and cafeterias are closed or have limited operation. Search volume for keywords related to “recipes” Search volume for keywords related to “recipes” Another interesting content idea during the Coronavirus pandemic is healthy eating.  system through food. Growth in searches for “foods that strengthen the immune system” between January and March Growth in searches for “foods that strengthen the immune system” between January and March Leisure and entertainment options Series and Famous films have always been among the most searched topics on Google.

With the quarantine measures adopted

With the quarantine measures adopted aub directory in many countries, however, the demand for recommendations, analysis and criticism about productions is even greater due to the increased use of streaming services.Volume of searches for keywords related to “Netflix”Volume of searches for keywords related to “Netflix”National attractions also gain prominence on the internet, especially when they are supported by prestigious artists and influencers on social media. Volume of searches for keywords related to “bbb” – UbersuggestVolume of searches for keywords related to “BBB” What can be said is that Brazilians who had their classes and jobs suspended are looking for what to do in quarantine.

Increase in searches for “things

Increase in searches for “things to do in quarantine” in March Increase in searches for “things to do in quarantine” in March Software tips and tutorials Technology has been a great ally in mitigating the effects of distancing. Many families and friends are avoiding visits, especially to people who are part of the risk group. In this way, social networks and video conferencing services are being widely used to exchange important information and maintain ties. It is worth noting that many companies are also taking advantage of these resources to conduct interviews and online meetings.

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