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Google Sheets Template for

From the first day of the agency’s creation, we firmly decided that we would not have a financial mess: we will always know how much we have, to whom and for what we owe, and how much money the

Managers can take in order not to end up in a cash flow gap.

For the first few months, we used the Finologo service for whatsapp data  management accounting. It costs 3,000 ₽ per month, but in essence it is a regular table with payments. We decided to save money and created a similar service in Google Sheets. We are sharing the template with you, in case it comes in handy.
1. Set up the table. Specify your accounts and directions, add counterparties and income/expense items.

2. Enter all payments in the table. Income and expenses, transfers between accounts, salaries, commissions and taxes paid.

3. Create projects. Plan revenue and expenses for projects and link payments to them to compare the plan with the actual and calculate profitability.

4. Enjoy. If you remember to enter everything, you will always be aware of how your business is doing.

You can change the table, remake it for yourself, build your own based on it – we don’t mind.

Next I will describe how to use the table so as not to screw anything up.

Adding operations

There are 3 ways to add operations:

whatsapp data

Filling out a form is the best option, as it won’t break anything. You can fill in the required fields in the form, a new entry will be created in the table – and then fill in the rest in it.
Create a new row: RMB on the row → “Insert rows below”. No need to create new rows under rows 1-2 – there are formulas there, everything can break. Better somewhere under the 5th, to be sure
Scroll to the very bottom of the table and add an entry there.
The form for adding payments can be found in the menu “Form → Go to active form”. Add it to your bookmarks so you don’t lose it. To edit: “Form → Edit form”

History of all transactions: payments from clients, transfers between accounts, payments to contractors, taxes, dividends
Yes. Payment confirmation. Initially, all records are created unconfirmd and do not participate in the accounting part.

Date. When the payment was made. Future transactions (with a date later than today) are automatically grayed out.

Accounting date. For what date should this payment be considerd

For example, we pay employees for October customer retention: methods, tools and basic strategies  at the beginning of November. In this case, the date is November, and the accounting date is October. Only the month is important here, not the specific day.

Account. Available accounts are pulled from the list in “Accounts”

Comment. Description of the payment – why it is needed, what we are paid for and what we pay for.

The entries are not sorted automatically, this must be done manually. Right-click on column B → “Sort from Z to A”. New entries are left at the top. Old ones go down.

Transfer between accounts is processed as 2 operations: left from one account. Arrived to another account. In transfers, we do not indicate counterparties and projects – only the account, amount and article – Transfer.

If there is a commission for the transfer between accounts, we register it as a third operation – an expense with the item “Commission”.

A moment of advertising. Since you’re here

We write articles for the media that receive alb directory  tens of thousands of views and increase company recognition.  Once we even wrote a book for a client.

If you need any of this, write to us . Let’s talk and come up with the best solution.

And also take a look at our cases – there are many interesting projects there.

Creating invoices
Accounts are not only current accounts in a bank. They also include cash and all sorts of Yandex cards, if you happen to use them.

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