Does Your Company Need Content Marketing?

What are the features of contextual advertising for B2B companies, what types of contextual advertising exist and how to set up advertising correctly so that the money invested brings applications – we will analyze together with the expert digital marketer of Aktion Marketing Igor Zotov.

Contextual advertising is a type of online

Advertising in which advertising materials library shop are displayed based on the context of the user’s request or the context of the page on which he is located. If configured correctly, it is an effective source of traffic to the site, as well as one of the most easily measured marketing tools.

As a rule, users are already interested and looking for what the “context” offers. Incorrect configuration of such advertising can lead to non-targeted impressions, budget drain, lack of impressions.

Contextual advertising is divided into two types: search advertising and thematic advertising.

Search ads respond to search queries and appear above search results.

Thematic advertising is focus on user behavior data on the Internet bas on search queries, visits to pages with specified keywords, and the subject of the site as a whole. The advertisement will neatly fit into the content of the site that the user is viewing.

There is an opinion that contextual advertising can only sell in B2C, and there is no point for companies in the B2B segment to invest in this tool.

This is a thinking error

library shop

And here’s why: people buy from people. Behind major deals in any B2B business there is always a decision maker (DM). Moreover, this may be a person who no cold-hearted salesperson can reach through a “fence” of secretaries and deputies.

Decision makers, like all of us, search for information on the Internet in exactly the same way, enter search queries, visit thematic sites. And potential counterparties who use contextual advertising to attract clients, thus fall into their area of ​​attention.

Contextual advertising from scratch corporate training can be great is always an experiment. If you don’t have money for tests, but you need results, contact the promotion experts from Aktion Marketing. Trust without losing control: a clear strategy, end-to-end analytics and clear reports are available online 24/7.

Types of contextual advertising

Let’s list the available types of contextual advertising for business:

search — premium impressions — the block is locat above the search results, other impressions — ads that are not includ in premium impressions can ew leads be shown in the middle or at the bottom of the page;
banner – banner on search – to the right of search results;
product – product card images appear above the top results;
media — advertising formats that involve capturing attention through a comprehensive presentation of information, audio-visual materials. One of the differences between media advertising and search advertising is the model of payment for ad impressions;
Video banners – also appear on websites in between content; this is also the most resource-intensive advertising to produce.

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