An inventive problem is a problem that cannot be solv , using generally accept , or standard methods. In this regard, there is a ne , for a creative approach that will give the desir , result without the risk of losing something.
The first step towards invention
Is to change the conditions phone number list of the problem in such a way that their formulation imm ,iately excludes incorrect solutions.
- Everything must remain in its original form.
- Or the harmful, unnecessary property must disappear.
- Or a new, useful quality will form.
From this we can see that thinking about buying web traffic? here’s how to do it right a simple problem becomes an inventive one precisely when, in order to solve it, it is necessary to remove a contradiction or, in other words, to obtain the best final result.
An example of a TRIZ problem: transport must be short to have high maneuverability on narrow roads. At the same time, it must be long to accommodate a large number of people. Therefore, transport must be both long and short. This is an example of combining opposites in the desir , result.
The creative solution is a 2-story bus or an Ikarus-type option. Both have the necessary parameters.
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Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC
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