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The account for configuring

— Chief, an unencrypt channel is us for communication. the parameters is admin and the password is 1234. You cannot change the default account and password, they are embd in the software. Parameters can be configur remotely. Thus, any intruder can theoretically change the settings of your equipment.

— Tell your management that the Imperial Quality Inspectorate will be visiting you tomorrow.

 We have her opinion on the product!

– Very good. Michael, make a copy. Tomorrow the prosecutor’s office and the anti-corruption committee will deal with italy whatsapp data the affairs of this inspector who gave you permission to sell. He is either a fool or a bribe-taker. In the first case, he will simply be fir, in the second, he will be imprison. Imperial citizens cannot be allow to suffer from unscrupulous manufacturers.

Do you think that such equipment is only available in fantasies? No! It is already being sold. And I don’t know who and how test its safety. And who will be responsible in case of a fire or explosion? And what if the boiler is switch off by a remote command in the cold and the system is defrost? What then? Huh?

Safety Tales: Criminals in Cars

That morning there was no sign of trouble. Johann, as usual, walk through the park before work. The trees were still cover with leaves, but it was already very cold. The ice crunch underfoot. But no matter how nice it was outside, work was still work.

When Johann account for configuring arriv at work, the first thing he heard was Michael telling him that the police were asking for their help in investigating a bank robbery.

— What is known about the robbery?

— The criminals left account for configuring in a van with the number NN0123KM. It was found three blocks away. Apparently, the criminals got into another car.

– Michael, according the power of email marketing in b2b lead generation to account for configuring the Emperor’s decree, all cars in our country are equipp with “black boxes” that record, store and transmit the au emai list parameters of the vehicles’ movement using a satellite geocoordinate system. Remember that?

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