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Differences between omnichannel and multichannel

Omnichannel has emerged on the Differences between  scene as a concept that can help your business grow and change sales and customer service strategies. However, the concept still generates many doubts and can be confused with other terms, such as multichannel .

Wikipedia defines multichannel as: “a marketing practice where the interaction between brand and user occurs in different communication channels, whether digital or analog (…) to increase the opportunities to interact with the buyer .

Pretty similar to the meaning of omnichannel, isn’t it?

The two terms can cause some confusion, so the idea of ​​this guide is to clarify any doubts that may arise around the concept of omnichannel.

To understand the differences between omnichannel and multichannel, we have to take a trip back in time.

A few years ago, companies concentrated their sales in physical stores, over the phone or through catalogues. This considerably rcs data reduced their ability to expand and limited their target audience to the region in which they were located.

With the arrival of the Internet and the appearance of the first e-commerce , companies realized that they had an interesting tool in their hands to expand. Thus, they could make their products/services reach people in any region of the world.

The advantages were huge and companies could not afford to miss out on them!


At that time, they imagined that they would be able to market their products and services anywhere in the world, regardless of the day or time. In addition, they would have an unimaginable reach , increase brand visibility, and from complex data and tables have the advantage of reducing operating and maintenance costs compared to those of a physical store.

This is how companies america email offered their products in physical stores and online stores and included multichannel in their routine. The equation was simple: customers could choose the channel of their convenience to make their purchases .


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