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Concept of CRO Source: @iPullRank In A/B tests,

This work is so important that it has gained a dedicated area in Digital Marketing, CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization). The operation of CRO is inspired by scientific methodology: a hypothesis, formulated based on research, feedback or benchmarking, is tested considering statistical criteria.  widely used in this type of work, two versions of a single conversion factor are analyzed, preserving the others characteristics of the object of study. We can use this procedure to favor the layout of websites and Landing Pages, improve the user experience, increase the performance of pages in search rankings (SEO) or improve sales conversion on product pages or closing emails.

A complete optimization process therefore

A complete optimization process, therefore, must business owner data take  into account a series of elements that, together, build the customer experience. Furthermore, we must bear in mind that this work must be carried out continuously, since the market and the consumer are constantly changing. What practices contribute to a greater number of conversions? Observing the performance of different companies on the internet and the strategies adopted by successful brands, we came up with five tips for you to start improving your optimization strategy as soon as possible.

Check it out below! Evaluate

Check it out below! Evaluate the relevance how to decorate a daily rental for the new year of your contentThe quality of the content is essential, after all, it is the main element of your website or blog and the reason for people to approach your brand. However, there is no point investing in professional materials if they do not attract the right people. There are certain inconsistencies in the results that indicate that a blog’s content is not properly optimized for conversion. Some of them are: high traffic, but low lead generation; good number of clicks on ads, but few closures; growth in the number of leads, but stable sales conversion rate.

This does not mean that

This does not mean that the material you produce is bad, but it indicates the need to promote some changes. Your content must take into account the circumstances, habits, pains, desires, values ​​and language of the people who really have the profile that your company is capable of helping: your persona. Align the tone of voice and languageIn addition to identifying the themes and subjects most relevant to your persona, we need to adjust the tone of voice and language adopted.

It is necessary to maintain

It is necessary to maintain coherence between aub directory the different communication channels and their representatives, that is, your brand must express itself on social networks, blogs and advertisements in the same way. Today’s consumer does not see barriers between different interaction environments. For him, all points of contact with the company are part of a single experience, and that is why it is so important to standardize communication between them. Use persuasion techniquesPersuasion techniques have been part of the Marketing routine since its beginnings and are still widely used in different market sectors.

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