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Analyze people’s perception of the pandemic A

In general, you have a lot to help your audience by recommending tools and presenting educational tutorials — for more lay audiences — at this time. Searches related to “video conferencing” between January and March Searches related to “video conferencing” between January and March With the increase in computers connected to home networks, there also seems to be some concern about the security of the devices. The term antivirus, for example, has seen growth in search trends.

for “antivirus” between January and

Searches for “antivirus” between January nurse database and March Searches for “antivirus” between January and March Relationships and lonelinessAnother interesting effect that distancing measures are having on a global scale is the bringing together of people close to us — and there is no redundancy in that. With the immense load of commitments and tasks these days, many families, couples, friends and neighbors remain distant, even if they live very close or together. The unusual union caused by the quarantine, naturally, is strengthening bonds, but also conflicts in the lives of people of all types.

On the other hand the

On the other hand, the concerns of health new account for sutochno.ru partners professionals are focused on loneliness, a problem that has been plaguing the modern world for decades, and which is now gaining contrast with distancing measures. Searches related to “loneliness” between January and March Searches related to “loneliness” between January and March If your blog works with publications related to behavior, coexistence and relationships, this is not only an idea for content to work on during the Coronavirus crisis, but it is also a very important gesture of support for your audience.

Spirituality and religious dates In

Spirituality and religious dates In times aub directory of such uncertainty, many people find relief in spirituality and, naturally, searches for content in this category will be very common. Searches related to “prayer” between January and March Searches related to “prayer” between January and March We cannot forget that the month of April is marked by various religious celebrations. However, unlike previous years, in which masses, processions and cultural presentations brought together people from all parts of the country, in , faithful from various parts of the world, including Brazil, will be forced to exercise their faith within their homes.

Necessary care when producing materials

Necessary care when producing materials during the crisis We understand that marketing during such a stressful situation for the population generates fears. Therefore, before putting into practice any content idea during the Coronavirus crisis, pay attention to the following recommendations.  survey carried out in March by the market intelligence company Kantar sought to understand Brazilian consumers’ perception of brands during the current health crisis. The results collected by respondents help us reflect on communication strategies at this time.

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