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How important is customer experience

How important is customer experience and the As? The experience the customer has with your brand and how much you help them to succeed are directly related to how much they are willing to do or maintain business with you. Simple actions can impact both positively and negatively the way customers see you. Just open LinkedIn for a moment and see many cases of companies that during the crisis are being loved and defended, and many that are being criticized.

Therefore I suggest that you

Therefore, I suggest that you focus on  three factors, which I refer to here as the As: AsServiceTo stand out at this moment, your company needs to have the best service and make it a competitive differentiator. You need to offer a unique experience. Provide customer-focused service, designed for them, customized for them, capable of helping them solve their biggest pain at the moment, whether it is selling more or satisfying hunger. Alignment Ensure the delivery of the best solutions within the needs and time expected by the customer.

Prometheus? Comply Be flexible think

Prometheus? Comply. Be flexible, think that chinese malaysia data just as you are going through a difficult time, he may also need to find possibilities. Be extremely strategic now that you know your customer. Surprise him at the right moment, present a business plan for this moment, suggest a product and propose how you will help him get out of this situation. AttitudeThe sense of humanization is more alive than ever. Attention, care and humanity do not usually require effort, but they do require sensitivity.

Prepare everyone who is in

Prepare everyone who is in contact with hotel classification: why is it needed, how to proceed and what is your benefit the customer to remain focused and aligned with what your company intends to deliver to consumers. Invest in dialogue and always surprise. How to do this in practice? Be availableShow the customer that they will be able to find you. Invest in service channels that allow for ideal responses at the correct time. Train the entire team that will have contact with the consumer and show how to respond and interact using tools such as email, WhatsApp and chatbot.

And always remember humanization and

And always remember humanization and alb directory personalization. Create channels for problem solvingAll the person or company wants now is to be able to have answers and resolve problems. Everyone is adapting to the moment, working remotely requires more confidence and we have less control over everything. So help your customers understand how things are going and that you are ready to help. If a demand previously took a long time to be met, rethink your processes and focus on agile problem solving.

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