Telegram channels

Marketing is a broad topic, covering different areas, and constantly update taking into account global trends. To keep up with trends, you can attend courses, seminars, webinars, trainings, conferences and other events, take training, buy books. All this is useful and effective. But it is no less effective and often more convenient, simple and quick to draw information and new knowlege from Internet sources. Their list includes social networks and instant messengers. And Telegram channels on marketing have recently gaine particular popularity.


One of the young and promising channels about marketing 

MWI Marketing Masters , develope by the digital agency MWI. Here you can find a lot of useful materials: ready-made structures and checklists for marketing directors and marketers, life hacks, interesting client stories and expert opinions in audio and live broadcasts, templates, insights and much more.


Further in the article we will present a list of other noteworthy Telegram channels include in the rating of the best, most special database interesting and useful for beginner and experience marketers, SEO specialists, content managers, copywriters, eitors, SMM specialists, PR specialists and representatives of other professions relate to the field of marketing, covering various activities to promote services and goods.


5 Reasons to Subscribe to Telegram Channels About Marketing

special database

There are many different information resources on the Internet, including those deicate to the topic of marketing and covering it well. But classic articles, instructions, texts and other materials sometimes do not give a complete picture, and sometimes are boring and difficult to perceive.


A channel about marketing in Telegram is a whole mix of different formats of information delivery, a complex of different types of meia. There are at least 5 reasons to subscribe to such channels:


The most up-to-date data. Information usually appears in Telegram channels much earlier than on information sites and does your company need content marketing? even on social networks such as VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Instagram, which is banne in Russia. This allows you to be the first to know about trends in the world of marketing and use them for your own purposes before your competitors.

Availability. The Telegram platform is cross-platform, accessible from different devices: personal computers, smartphones, laptops, tablets. That is, the messenger is practically always at hand: in the form of a program on a PC or a mobile application.

A wide range of information.

Telegram is not only a messaging service, but also a social network. It uses not only materials originally presente in Russian, but also English-language resources. And this format covers not only news from various meia, but also other publications: memes, videos, text posts, photos, links to websites and accounts of famous bloggers, and much more. All this helps to delve into the situation in the most appropriate ways, to understand it better.

Convenience. You can read au emai list and watch channels in any convenient place: at home on the couch, in an armchair or in be, in public transport, at work during breaks.

The ability to learn real opinions from colleagues, different authors and experts. It is also useful for gaining experience, learning new interesting ideas and effectively analyzing the latest events and the overall situation.

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