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Second virtual AI conference “SMEs take off”

On March 23, the second successful virtual AI conference of the  4.0 Competence Centers Stuttgart, and Usability took place. The still young and small  Second virtual AI conference  conference is dedicated to practical questions, application examples and methods for the implementation of AI systems in medium-sized companies. The Usability Competence Center presented a proof-of-concept study, an AI pilot project and a new workshop.

How you can use AI to advance your company

, the three neighboring Mittelstand 4.0 competence centers Stuttgart, Textil Vernetzt and Usability held a virtual conference on the topic of  Second virtual AI conference “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) for the second time on March 23. More than 50 visitors Second virtual AI conference “SMEs take off”  from small and medium-sized companies gathered for the still young event series, which was first launched in September 2020.

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The program included four lectures in the morning and four . Workshops in the afternoon from which the participants could choose. After an introduction to the . Digital Initiative and the three competence centers involved, Wolfgang  In the third lecture, Heiko Matheis showed how AI is used in the textile industry for resource-saving production. Andreas Bildstein concluded with a thought-provoking insight into ethical issues with regard to the future development and use of AI.

After the lunch break

Untitled design

Four parallel workshops started on. Edge AI  network evaluation methods for human. AI interaction, AI use case development and machine text comprehension. In the methodology workshop, the Usability Competence . Center gave an overview of various scientific questionnaires and evaluation methods for assessing human-AI interaction. UX Curve?  In a practical exercise . Participants tested these heuristics on a publicly visible chatbot, which promptly revealed several weaknesses.

After the event the organizers received

A lot of praise in the chat and by email and we would  10 benefits of using contractors also like to thank all visitors for their attention and the stimulating exchange! Special thanks also go to the speakers .  Robert  from  and Jonas  from  as well as to the organizers from the  4.0 . Competence Center Stuttgart , who ensured that everything ran smoothly.  Second virtual AI conference “SMEs take off”  ./ The next time the conference is expected to take place in September 2021 – we are looking forward to it!

Manuel Kulzer was an AI trainer in the Mittelstand 4.0 Usability Competence Center from 2019 to 2022.

His research interests include the

From February 15th to March 8th, 2023, participants had the opportunity to . Register for our UUX Train-the-Trainer format. After registering, participants were sent a link to the online course, where they had access to the content in the form of scripts and videos. The task was to work through the content and prepare the relevant tasks. The content comprised four chapters:

  1. usability
  2. User Experience
  3. The Differences Between Usability and User Experience
  4. Application examples on the topics mentioned

On March 8, 2023, an online workshop took place in which all participants met with three speakers. In the workshop, the content was summarized again and the prepared tasks discussed. This allowed any final questions and uncertainties to be clarified.

The workshop atmosphere was extremely pleasant and friendly. A productive collaboration developed. At the end, we asked our participants for their feedback on the course. In a short space of time, we received a lot of valuable feedback, which we will use to continuously improve our formats. It was apparent, for example, that the mix of didactic material (script and videos) was perceived as varied and individual. This gave everyone the opportunity to choose the right format for them. At the same time, however, some participants would have found a kick-off meeting useful, for example, to introduce them more to the structure and goal of the course.

We are very grateful to our participants for their feedback and are looking forward to the format entering a new (improved) round.

Integration of AI ethics with human-centered a complete list of unit phone numbers  design methodology and the systematic design of enthusiasm experiences (wow effects) with interactive technologies.

Prof. Dr. Michael  is the consortium leader of the Germany-wide Digital Center  Mensch and coordinates the work. He already held this role in the former 4.0 Usability Competence Center. He is also active in lectures and workshops at various events as an expert on usability, positive user experience, well-being and resilience .

Prof. Dr. studied psychology at the University of Regensburg and received his doctorate from the University of Wuppertal. Since 2002 he has been Professor of Ergonomics and Usability at the Stuttgart Media University . In addition, Prof. Dr.  is spokesperson for the Information Experience and Design Research Group.

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