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Launching a New Product to the Market: What’s Important to Consider

The modern client is picky and has a lot to choose from, so when launching a new product on the market, it is necessary to carefully consider the launch strategy. Read this article to find out how to correctly go through all the stages of launching a new product on the market, choose a strategy, define the target audience and get clients.

How to Find Target Markets

Before preparing to launch a new how to build phone number list product on the market, define its TA. The target market is the totality of potential customers interested in your product. In other words, the target market is the sum of all target audiences that your brand works with or that your product is aimed at.

By identifying your target market, you will be able to understand:

if competitors are bypassing you, then why, and if they are not bypassing you, then how can they do this in the future;
how to improve marketing and advertising strategies to make them even more effective;
who is your product for;
In marketing, there are two types of target markets:

primary – it brings in the majority of revenue, the audience of this market is in dire need of your product;
secondary – a small group of potential clients: they have a low level of involvement and no urgent need, this also includes those people who can influence the choice of the primary market audience.
How to define the target market?

To do this, you need to go through several stages.

Product analysis . Think about the answers to questions about who your product is intended for, who it can be useful for, and what needs it covers. The answers will help you develop a product range that covers the maximum area of ​​the target market.
Warm Audience Analysis . If your company already has clients and launching a new product on the market is an expansion, not a start-up, then analyze the motives that drive your new and old clients. This will allow you to build an effective marketing strategy.

Market capacity .

It is necessary to determine the entire how to write an article about volume of goods within one market segment . This will allow you to understand what market share you occupy and what your competitors occupy.

Competitor analysis .

Determining how your competitors occupy a certain share of the niche will help you to create worthy competition for them and, possibly, to attract customers to your side

Familiarity with trends .

If you actively study the market in your niche, follow the news and trends, you will be able to navigate changes ahead of everyone else and discover new target audiences for your product.
If we talk about the Russian market, it is au emai list  worth remembering that free market relations in our country began to develop not as recently as in Western countries or in the USA, therefore, when introducing a new product to the Russian market, it is necessary to take into account several nuances.

Tight deadlines

The country’s young market system often provokes a change in trends. Because of this, it seems that you need to develop and bring a product to the market faster. Don’t be fooled by the rush, it will not bring any benefit. It is better to spend a year on developing a product and strategy, but to make a quality product that will sell well.
The consumer is not the first priority – unfortunately, in Russia they often start from the idea, not from the target market, so many products remain unclaimed. Now the approach has gradually begun to change – first they study opinions and look for the target market, and then they develop the product. This scheme for bringing a new product to the market will be the most profitable.
Import substitution – if you see some interesting product in the West, then feel free to conduct research and try to find a target audience for it in Russia.

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