The social mia at your disposal are

Increasingly numerous and each of them can be a real value for your business, thanks to the many tools and numerous functions with which they are systematically updat, even more frequently over the last 12 months.

All platforms immiately understood their very high potential in 2020 and act accordingly . 2021 does not seem to stop the race for the digital economy, on the contrary, it seems to confirm and affirm it more and more.

Develop a ch ecklist:

  • It will support you  in creating a constant and always align work system
  • It will allow you to keep your company’s work  always organiz and clear, for all professionals involv in the work and on all social platforms us.
  • It will allow you to assign tasks  to your workforce, dividing the efforts and keeping the pace tight and punctual and your team always productive.

When it comes to task division specifically, creating a checklist will also help you identify key roles to distribute within your team.

The 5 main roles in social mia management are:

  • Strategic Planning Manager:  the person who monitors the progress of the entire strategy
  • Community manager : manages, coordinates and structures the activities within each given community or virtual platform, ensuring its health and vitality
  • Content creator : creates content to share and manages the company’s network of creators
  • Ad buyer : a figure with an analytical and precise approach, who monitors the progress of the ROI (return on investment) and manages the expenditure of paid advertising campaigns.
  • Data Analyst:  Monitors, integrates and analyzes all data coming from different platforms

If your team is ready and you  whatsapp data have a clear idea of ​​why it is worth investing time and effort in producing a detail and accurate checklist  , continue reading to find out  how to produce your social mia checklist for 2021 .

Define your target audience

whatsapp data

Even before we look at what actually makes up a social mia checklist, it is important to define your target audience, made up of your  buyer personas .

Profiling the buyer personas that make up the aqb directory  customer base you want to target is essential for designing any marketing strategy, even more so, as you can imagine, a strategy that takes place on social mia, the main environment for public relations.

Before seeing how to proce to complete why your business needs a public this operation, however, let’s see what the user landscape on social mia is compos of today.

Web users in 2021

Following the onset of the pandemic, which l to heavy social and human distancing, web users have begun to have higher and more detail expectations of their relationship with brands and their representatives.

The public demands transparency, fairness, ethical choices and behaviors from brands , which are also actually verifiable.

51% of the public interview during industry surveys defines as true “empathy” the feeling of connection that develops when a brand listens, considers and understands the thoughts and desires of its buyers. (Sproutsocial)

76% of customers expect companies to listen to their buyers’ wants and nes – and remember them. (Salesforce Research)

This type of attention is what makes a customer lean towards one brand and its offering rather than another.

As you can imagine, identifying your buyer personas and consequently your target audience is absolutely essential to be able to organize a social mia marketing strategy that can reach your desir customer, meeting their tastes and preferences.

Buyer persona profiling

To define your target audience you will ne to profile your company’s so-call buyer personas.

If you want to perform this profiling, you will have to fill out a form containing information and characteristics that you think correspond to the descriptions of your ideal customers.


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